Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Arctic Organics Week One

River and Sarah Bean write the following in the newsletter that accompanied this week's CSA pick-up:

"Welcome to the 2007 Produce Season! The summer weather started with a bang finally last weekend, and the crops are responding favorably! Thanks for your patience with the delay in start date this year. We are hoping for a longer autumn harvest season to make up for it.

"The relentless and severe winds we had for a couple of weeks before summer finally arrived re a challenge to the plants and to the various fabrics and covers we use in the field, not to mention the evaporation of moisture from the soil. We are doggedly trying to catch up on the irrigation needs. Things are greening up and growing nicely. The carrots are germinating, which is always a relief, and we’re waiting for the potatoes to emerge. We could really use a good rain.

"Enjoy the vegetables!"

Today’s delivery included:

Pac Choi
Broccoli Raab

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