Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Arctic Organics Week Three

From the Beans:

Rain finally came! It was such a pleasure to be lulled awake Sunday morning by the sound of a true down pour. The fields and plants are soaking it up. The potatoes now have a chance to grow after 60-plus dry days! This is the time of the season when, just as we are resting on our laurels for having finished planting the entire field, we realize that the weeds have been enjoying the freshly cultivated soil as well. Do we have a healthy crop of weeds! It’s all hands on deck for
weeding in the full season crops like rutabagas, Purple Top turnips, carrots and beets. Enjoy the vegetables!
- River and Sarah

Today’s delivery includes:
Chinese cabbage
Winterbor kale
Tat soi
Lettuce x 3
Herb bouquet – sage, marjoramand thyme

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